Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's a wonder(ful) thing.

As bikes leave the garage and the replacement is searched for high and low across the west coasts most active craigslist pages I craft my criteria for the next two wheeled machine.

So far it goes as such...

Character (sorry big three...)
less weight than the V-11 (anything not a harley or has tracks)
more power than the V-11 (sorry BMW)
Multi day trip reliability (Italians are exempt from this stipulation)
everyday useable if neccessary
Pine Cone worthy
Power Boat worthy
acquired for what I sold the KTM and Ascot for

Have too much power(I know, lame sauce)
Look like crap in scenic pictures
Get shitty tank range
Take a tire different than a 120/180-190 (keep it sporty and possibly out of town servicable)
Be too uncomfortable (exemptions will be made for the bikes sexiness)

So it looks like I'm getting another Falco or going for an RSV-R first gen.